Give a girl the right shoes

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Walking in to Monday with passion, purpose, and the right shoes! Have a great week – you’ve got this!
I’ve found this holiday that hand sewing is allowing work to be a bit more portable, which means that I’ve been able to list some shoes that I’ve been working on – there’s a link in my bio
#giveagirltherightshoes #giveagirltherightshoesandshecanconquertheworld #marilynmonroe #handembroidery #stitchingsmiles #threadcounts #careinstructions… Read More

Bestest Nanny

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I was recently asked if it would be possible to make a rosette with a custom message in a different colour. The answer was … of course! My rosettes are completely handmade, so they can say whatever you like and look however you like… so they’re the perfect way to celebrate just about anything!! I’ve popped a link in my bio for the listing. –
Happy Sunday! –
#rosette #youdeserveamedal #freehandmachineembroidery #stitchingsmiles #careinstructions… Read More

Happiness is not a number

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Not long ago my daughter came home with a food diary that someone had given her to keep note of what she ate. After I took her to the recycling bin and showed her exactly what I think about her keeping a food diary, we had a long chat about what it means to be healthy, to be happy, to be loved and kind and important. My daughter is seven. I really don’t think being on diets and keeping food diaries is the kind of thing that should be in the consciousness of children. Yet our obsession with body image is pervasive. It’s easy to blame the media, but we all have a part to play
Mental health awareness week’s 2019 theme is ‘Body Image – how we think and feel about our bodies’ In a uk-wide stress survey in 2018, the @mentalhealthfoundation found that three in ten people interviewed had felt had so stressed by their body image and appearance at some point in the past year that they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope. .
47% of all 18-24 year olds they spoke to felt this way about their body image, as did almost one in five people aged 55 and over. .
Your worth is not determined by the size of your clothes. You are so much more than a number on a label. .
#bebodykind #mentalhealthawarenessweek #mentalhealth #bodyimage #freehandmachineembroidery #threadcounts #careinstructions @i_weigh… Read More

A tiny OK

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A tiny ok. Because sometimes you only feel a tiny bit ok
And that’s okay; It’s okay not to feel okay. .
And here are few more things to remember; you can talk about it. You matter. You are important. you are not alone xxx
. .
#ok #itsok #itsokay #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #everystitchcounts #ihavethisthingwithsewing #bekindtoyourself #mentalhealthawareness #threadcounts #careinstructions… Read More

Goals and motivation

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A little while ago I posted and picture of the care instructions label I had made. I talked a little about what had inspired it, but I didn’t really talk about why I’d made it.
In thinking about my goals and motivation … my mission for what I do… I started to see all of my work as little care instructions. Small reminders stitched from and in to the cloth of my work. My goal is to make my thread count ? and keep creating care instructions .
And just because I don’t think I could get a lot more motivation in one picture, here’s the original embroidery of my makers manifesto banner.
#marchmeetthemaker Day 14: motivation/goals
#freehandmachineembroidery #ihavethisthingwithsewing #freehandmachineembroidery #creativitywithmeaning #threadcounts #careinstructions… Read More