A tiny OK

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A tiny ok. Because sometimes you only feel a tiny bit ok
And that’s okay; It’s okay not to feel okay. .
And here are few more things to remember; you can talk about it. You matter. You are important. you are not alone xxx
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#ok #itsok #itsokay #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #everystitchcounts #ihavethisthingwithsewing #bekindtoyourself #mentalhealthawareness #threadcounts #careinstructions… Read More

A tiny bit ok

posted in: Emstagram 0

A tiny ok. Because sometimes you only feel a tiny bit ok
And that’s okay.
It’s okay to have a wobble, to need a pause, to take a few steps backwards. .
Because that’s how we move forwards.
#positivelyinspiring15 day 8 relax
#ok #itsok #itsokay #wednesdaywords #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #createeveryday #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #modernmakers #embroideryinstaguild #drawinginthread #ihavethisthingwithsewing #molliemakers #aurifilartisan #bristoletsyteam #smallandmightybusiness #bekindtoyourself… Read More

From the biscuit tin

posted in: Emstagram 0

I was doing some website tweaks yesterday (read: looking at all of the things I had had grand plans to update during the school holidays … well, I do still have 5 days ??‍♀️) and found this picture, which somehow had become hidden. .
It came to me at quite an opportune moment, because I was having a bit of a wobble at the time (perhaps linked my unrealistic holiday work plans, although in truth it just happens sometimes, doesn’t it?!) it seemed like a sign to be a bit easier on myself. So if you need it today – or even if you don’t particularly – I’m sending your a virtual cuppa and biscuit or two xx
Original pictures, including this one, are available to purchase on my website – link in bio
#biscuitshelp #sendbiscuits #custardcreams #bekindtoyourself #selfcare #Aurifilartisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creative_happylife #creativitywithmeaning #drawinginthread #bristolcreatives #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #stitchersofinstagram #ihavethisthingwithsewing #heytheremaker #bristoletsyteam… Read More