You can do it

posted in: Articles 0

  For some time now I’ve been thinking that I really ought to show this long-neglected little corner of my website a bit of love; I enjoy writing, I used to blog regularly (I can’t quite believe that I’m sending … Read More

Work in progress – weekly musings

posted in: Articles 1

My main focus this past week has been getting another me-make finished. I have been putting a lot of thought in to where my stitching is going as a business, and how to move things forward, and have realised that … Read More

Work in progress Wednesday

posted in: Articles 0

This week has passed in a flurry of commissions, as well as working through a backlog of jobs that didn’t get done during the school holidays.  I’ve had a big tidy up in my workshop, and feel like I’m starting … Read More


posted in: Articles 0

Hello!  If you have found my site, then the chances are you are already familiar with my pictures or perhaps  just this style of work.  Either way, I hope you will enjoy keeping updated with the work I am doing.  I … Read More

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