Work in progress Wednesday

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This week has passed in a flurry of commissions, as well as working through a backlog of jobs that didn’t get done during the school holidays.  I’ve had a big tidy up in my workshop, and feel like I’m starting to get back on top of things again (juggling work and school holidays is HARD!) so I thought i’d pop up some pictures of what I’ve been up to.

I delivered these prints of my Thornbury food fair picture to display and sell in Romy’s Kitchen, where the original lives (and incidentally where the amazing Romy cooks the best curry you will ever eat, if you’re nearby, go!!) I will list these in my webshop too, but if it’s not there yet and you’d like one, just drop me a line!

For commissions, I’ve been working on this house portrait

And some wonderfully thoughtful wedding gifts for a brides’ mum and dad on her big day (sorry, I don’t have a great picture of the dad picture … I never get better at remembering to photograph my work)

I managed to finish off and stretch -? I’m not sure what the technical term is – this whopper of a street in Redcliffe in Bristol on to canvas.

I couldn’t let the week pass without a little nod to the nautical;  I needed an extra whiteboard in the office, so re-used a frame I bought that had a chip in the paintwork (I’m not sure if anyone else finds this, but I find cardboard corner protectors on store-bought a complete nightmare for covering up quality problems … yes Ikea, I’m looking at you, although this particular frame was from Hobbycraft) so I quickly stitched up this little sea scene to liven it up a bit

I also had a little play at ‘drawing’ some muscle shells, which was surprisingly effective

 Finally I made a start on my next Bristol house picture.

What a week!

Thanks for popping by.


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