Don’t quit

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Don’t quit – do it!!
#AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creativelife #creativehappylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart #threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #sewcialist #ihavethisthingwithsewing #mondaymotivation #motivationalmonday #dontquit #doit… Read More


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As I’m currently scouring spanish supermarkets for culinary inspiration, today is a Foodie Friday throwback … every time I post this picture it makes me want to eat marmite on toast (I quite firmly fall in to the love camp!!) Happy Friday xx
#AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creativelife #creativehappylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart #threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #sewcialist #ihavethisthingwithsewing #foodart #foodiefriday #marmite #lovemarmite #hatemarmite… Read More

You can do it

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A special sports day pennant!
keep on going – you can do it!
#AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creativelife #creativehappylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart #threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #sewcialist #ihavethisthingwithsewing #minortismay3wordsquotes… Read More

See the good

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We are becoming increasingly familiar with the concept of brain plasticity; that learning something new creates connections in our brain and that when practiced regularly, these connections become stronger and easier to activate. Typically we associate these changes with learning a tangible skill, whether that’s practising an instrument, learning a language, or playing a sport.
But in the same way that we can train our brains to learn a new skill, we can also train ourselves to see things more positively. Interventions that over time can re-wire our brains to see things more positively include practising mindfulness, doing something nice (acts of kindness boost happiness levels) consciously recognising 3 positives from our day … what do you do to see the good?
#AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creativelife #creativehappylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart #threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #sewcialist #ihavethisthingwithsewing #seethegood… Read More

The sea

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Do you need some vitamin sea?
I’m escaping for some tomorrow, so any orders received after midday today will be shipped on the 4th July xx
#AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creativelife #creativehappylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart #threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #sewcialist #ihavethisthingwithsewing #seascape… Read More

Yes you can

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I’m not sure I’d advocate kicking off your week with a fizzy drink, but a can of positivity I can definitely get behind! (I also couldn’t have a three word quote involving the word can without having a can of something, could I?!)
Did you know that the Coca Cola logo is based on a font called Spencerian script, which was popular in America between 1850 and 1925? I just love playing with and stitching different fonts! .
Have a great Monday xx
#AurifilArtisan @aurifilthread #aurifilthread #creativelife #creativehappylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart #threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #sewcialist #ihavethisthingwithsewing #justacard #heytheremaker #minortismay3wordsquotes #motivationalmonday #mondaymotivation #yesyoucan… Read More


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Pilchard: A small, edible, commercially valuable marine fish of the herring family (Oxford English Dictionary
Pilchard : A dumbass with redeeming qualities (Urban dictionary)
My daughter was talking to me recently about my job… because she couldn’t really understand it; she knew I liked sewing, but what did that have to do with text messages? who do I text all day? How many texts do I send? Eventually the penny dropped, and I explained what the word textile means ? Oh Amélie, you lovely, funny little pilchard
Happy Friday everyone xx
#AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creativelife #creativehappylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart #threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #sewcialist #ihavethisthingwithsewing #justacard #heytheremaker #molliemakes #foodiefriday #foodart #pilchard… Read More

Finding motivation

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Do you struggle to get started? Or maybe find it difficult to stay on track and keep motivated? Are you in more of a positivity place/keep going crescent mood or are you sitting in daydream drive? Either way, here’s just the map for you!
As this is my third A to Z picture, I decided to use a different layout this time – since starting to make these pictures, I’ve discovered there are a surprising number of layout variations on – who knew?! .
The next picture I make for this series (once I finish this one off of course!) will be on a larger scale, as this time I’ll be making one of the street maps inside the street atlas. And if you are local (or maybe even if you aren’t, but fancy a visit) you can watch me make it; Bristol Museum is hosting a stage of the V&A Woman’s hour craft prize touring exhibition, and I am very exited to have been selected to work in the make space attached to the show on the 19th July – which is my news for just a card week day 4!

Made using a selection of my beloved @aurifilthread and @libertylondon Lawns on my @janomeuk SMD3000
#AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creativelife #creativehappylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #textileart #freehandmachineembroider #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart
#embroideryinstaguild #threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #sewcialist #ihavethisthingwithsewing #justacard #heytheremaker #molliemakes #justacard… Read More

Jam tomorrow

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Jam today, or jam tomorrow?
#aurifilthread #aurifilartisan #jam #jamtomorrow #bonnemaman #creativelife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #textileart #textileartist #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #everystitchcounts #threadart #contemporaryembroidery
#threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #nothspitchup #sewcialist #heytheremaker #molliemakers #ihavethisthingwithsewing
#foodiefriday #foodart… Read More

Catching ideas

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How do you catch an idea? .
I’ve been busy working on lots of projects in the background this week nothing secret or exciting, quite the opposite in fact, just things I’ve needed to get my head down and get on with. .
The procrastinator and the creative mind inside me are very good friends. I often find that when one comes out to play, so does the other.
Usually when inspiration strikes, and that new idea excitement kicks in, I feel like I have to down tools and make whatever I’ve thought of immediately. It’s a really great feeling when that happens, but it’s not so great for the to do list (I don’t always do that by the way… actually, who am I trying to kid, I always do that?) but this week I caught the idea, I noted it down and contained the excitement. I finished what I was meant to be doing and working on it was the carrot encouraging me to finish. I’m not sure I’m going to fully commit to this change (because actually, I don’t think there’s anything quite like that lightbulb moment feeling) but I’ve also proven to myself that it didn’t go away either. .
What do you do to keep hold of new ideas? I’d love to know
#AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creativelife #creativehappylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart
#embroideryinstaguild #threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #sewcialist #ihavethisthingwithsewing… Read More

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