Hendricks card

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I realised yesterday that it’s a year since I made the Hendricks bottle – my very first food – well, drink – picture … this mightn’t seem like a big milestone, but to me it’s a significant one. It marked a change of focus in my work, a tentative step to do my own thing and start making what really interested me. I had a bit of a wobble recently, when I tried (and failed!) to join an embroidery art group … and was made to feel that my work wasn’t good enough. I tell you this not for sympathy (luckily for me I have the most amazing team of cheerleaders, who help me to brush experiences like this away – thanks everyone ?) but because my takeaway from the experience was an important one; do what you do and keep on doing it – people who criticise, judge, or try to change your path really aren’t your people.
I also realised that I hadn’t listed these cards on my website – there’s a link in my bio
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#greetingscards #gin #gingreetingscard #Hendricks #doyourownthing #followyourownpath #creativepath #creativejourney #wordsofwisdom #creativitywithmeaning #drawinginthread #positivegifts #inspiringgifts #freehandmachinetembroidery #freemotionembroidery #everystitchcounts #modernmakers #drawinginthread #ihavethisthingwithsewing #molliemakers #aurifilartisan #bristoletsyteam #smallandmightybusiness… Read More

Go at your own tempo

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A piacere – tempo is at the discretion or pleasure of the performer
How often do you look around, notice what everyone else is doing and realise how much better they’re doing and quicker they’re getting there than you? Its far too easy to get so caught up with what other people are doing that we forget to live our own lives and work towards our own goals at our own speed.
Life is not a race; embrace the pace of your own journey. Enjoy your week playing a piacere
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Ps if you’ve spent any period of time in the company of a metronome, you’ll know why the sounds off for this one ? .
#comparisonfree #goatyourowntempo #goatyourownpace #youdoyou #metronome #mondaymotivation #mondaymantra #thehappynow #creativeprocess
#freemotionembroidery #freehandmachineembroidery #stitchingsmiles #drawinginthread #creativitywithmeaning #joyspotting #ihavethisthingwithsewing #molliemakers #britishstitchers #molliemakersspotlight #craftexposure… Read More

The magic is in you

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I made a load of sparkly rosettes and put them in my shop (there’s a link in the bio)… happy Thursday!!
#rosette #rosettebadge #shopupdate #shopsmallthischristmas #positivevibes #youarewhoyouareemeanttobe #sendingapositivemessage #handmadepennant #medal
#handmadeflag #embroideredflag #freemotionembroidery #freehandmachineembroidery #stitchingsmiles #drawinginthread #creativitywithmeaning #joyspotting #ihavethisthingwithsewing #molliemakers #britishstitchers #molliemakersspotlight #craftexposure #positivepennant… Read More

This is me

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We are glorious
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#thisisme #thegreatestestshowman #medalforbravery #youarebrave #youarewhoyouareemeanttobe #sendingapositivemessage #handmadepennant #medal #rosette
#handmadeflag #embroideredflag #freemotionembroidery #freehandmachineembroidery #stitchingsmiles #drawinginthread #creativitywithmeaning #joyspotting #ihavethisthingwithsewing #molliemakers #britishstitchers ##molliemakersspotlight #craftexposure #mentalhealthawarenessday #positivepennant #wegotthiswednesday… Read More

Embrace your mistakes

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Is failure evidence that you will never be talented … or a sign of how much you have grown? .
We tend to focus on celebrating our successes and hide away the failed attempts that have brought us there, so it’s pretty easy for the critic within to assume that nobody else makes mistakes. .
At school we take tests and from an early age we start to become entrenched in this absolute mindset; right/wrong, success/fail. Really though, we need to cast our minds back a little further. Human babies arrive to the world pretty unskilled compared to most animals. Some animals clamber up and walk about within a few hours of being born, when it takes us months to even be able to hold our heads up. We arrive with very few innate skills and have to learn everything. We learn to walk by trying and falling over and trying again. We need to remember that it’s ok to try and fall and try again.
I heard the words on my ketchup bottle in a video I watched on this subject when I attended the congregation of inspiration. I hope you’ll remember them the next time you get annoyed at yourself when things don’t work out right first time.
#motivationalmonday #mondaymotivation #mondaymantra #creativepath #creativejourney #wordsofwisdom #creativitywithmeaning #drawinginthread #positivegifts #foodart #ketchup #freehandmachinetembroidery #freemotionembroidery #everystitchcounts #modernmakers #drawinginthread #ihavethisthingwithsewing #molliemakers #aurifilartisan #bristoletsyteam #smallandmightybusiness #congregationofinspiration #molliemakersspotlight #craftexposure #libertyopencall… Read More

Hooray – positive pennant

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Hooray, it’s the weekend!
#hooray #sendingapositivemessage #handmadepennant
#handmadeflag #embroideredflag #freemotionembroidery #freehandmachineembroidery #stitchingsmiles #drawinginthread #creativitywithmeaning #joyspotting #ihavethisthingwithsewing #molliemakers #britishstitchers #smallandmightybusiness #nationalthinkingofyouweek #positivepennant #pennantflag #pennantbanner #positivepennants #pennantbadge… Read More

You can’t pour from an empty cup

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I gave myself an unplanned day away from the sewing machine yesterday … a spell of insomnia was really starting to take its toll ?and I suddenly realised it was completely crazy to just keep on keeping on. .
Of course I spent a lot of the day thinking about the fact that I hadn’t sewn a stitch or been active on my social media account, and I was really thinking I wouldn’t post today either … but then I remembered this picture and thought it seemed fitting.
So I met my mum for a cup of tea. I didnt do any close work, I did no housework, I took my son Oscar out after school to have a catch up, I drank about 400% more water than I have done in weeks (and didn’t have a headache for the first time in days either) I made sure I fed myself properly. And as well as feeling an awful lot better for it, the world didn’t stop because I did (even Instagram took a pause yesterday, so it must have been the day for it).
Have a good day x . . .
#youcantpourfromanemptycup #lookafteryourself #learntorest #positivevibes #simpleselfcare #creativitywithmeaning #freehandmachinetembroidery #freemotionembroidery #everystitchcounts #modernmakers #drawinginthread #ihavethisthingwithsewing #molliemakers #aurifilartisan #bristoletsyteam #smallandmightybusiness… Read More

You are enough

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In case you were wondering
#youareenough #positiveposts #rosette #libertyprintloveliness #libertybetsy #creativepath #creativejourney #wordsofwisdom #creativitywithmeaning #drawinginthread #positivegifts #inspiringgifts #giftsformakers #pennantsofpositivity #banner #freehandmachinetembroidery #freemotionembroidery #everystitchcounts #modernmakers #drawinginthread #ihavethisthingwithsewing #molliemakers #aurifilartisan #bristoletsyteam #smallandmightybusiness… Read More

Makers manifesto

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An extra special motivational Monday post, of a new product that I’m so very excited to share with you. .
Throughout August, I drip fed you with little snippets of what I was working on, and I can finally show you the finished piece. This banner is a collection of words of wisdom that I thought would be super-inspiring to keep in a workspace – a manifesto for makers if you will – to help keep us all on our creative paths. .
I’ve had the original artwork printed on to cotton, so that it doesn’t take too long or cost too much for me to make them, but, to keep them personal and extra special, I’ve also left a space in the centre of the banner that I can embellish with your own words to make it extra special and meaningful to you. (That being said, if you do feel like treating yourself, I also have four originals… I’m still deciding how best to frame them, but if you’re interested, drop me a message)
This is my workshop banner, and the words I’ve chosen to add are taken from a few of the very many words that I took away from the congregation of inspiration on Friday – I’ll be sure to post more on that throughout the week, but it really was a day like no other. .
Happy Monday – hope you have a great week x
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#motivationalmonday #mondaymotivation #mondaymantra #makersmanifesto #creativepath #creativejourney #wordsofwisdom #creativitywithmeaning #drawinginthread #positivegifts #inspiringgifts #giftsformakers #pennantsofpositivity #banner #freehandmachinetembroidery #freemotionembroidery #everystitchcounts #modernmakers #drawinginthread #ihavethisthingwithsewing #molliemakers #aurifilartisan #bristoletsyteam #smallandmightybusiness #congregationofinspiration… Read More

Creative Juice

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A throwback foodie Friday today, shot on location at the congregation of inspiration … because really there was only one option for foodie Friday today!
Have a great day xx
Cards and prints available on my website – link in bio
@congregationofinspiration #creativejuice #foodiefriday #foodart #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #createeveryday #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #modernmakers #drawinginthread #ihavethisthingwithsewing #molliemakers #aurifilartisan #bristoletsyteam #smallandmightybusiness… Read More

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