Hang in there

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From Instagram…

I’m being super-brave today (if I do say so myself) and driving to a workshop ..Which might not sound that big of a deal, but I get ocular migraines and always panic about getting one while I’m driving …that and I also just don’t like driving that much. But I’ve decided to be brave and do it anyway! I’m not exactly looking forward to it, but living in a semi-rural town I realised how small life could become if I’m not able to hop in the car and go somewhere more exciting (and I’m feeling the need to do a bit more of that!) What do you do to push yourself out of your comfort zone?

This is also a #tbt to my very first motivational Monday post .. can you believe it’s nearly been a year I’ve been making them now?! Have great day, and hang in there – it’s almost Friday. Emma xx

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