Don’t measure your progress using someone else’s ruler

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Don’t measure your progress using some else’s ruler

We are all aware of the perils of flicking through these little squares of other people’s lives and businesses on social media; we know it’s not altogether real, and that we shouldn’t compare our daily lives to the perfectly edited snapshots that other people present . Yet it’s still so easy to do

Other people have better ideas, are making more, getting out there more, selling more, doing more. It can be easy to feel like everyone else is just …more. But when we compare, we don’t see all the edited bits. We have no idea which side of the tape measure someone else is using. We put all of our focus in the wrong place and on the wrong person, and spend all of our precious energy on someone else. Nobody has that much time in their day

So I now have a handy reminder on my desk not to use my own ruler … or inch tape (also serving as a reminder that stitching on to tape measures are a once tried, not to be repeated experience!)

Have a happy – comparison free – week. Emma xx

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