Be somebody

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From Instagram…

One of the most unexpectedly inspiring things I have watched, was a documentary on bbc 4 about Daft Punk. I stumbled upon it quite by accident when I paused the programme I’d been watching to put the kettle on. It told a story of two artists having a vision, staying on their own path, knowing their worth, pushing the boundaries of their art and of staying humble. I don’t think you need to be particularly interested in their music to be able to take something away from that ( it’s now on Netflix if you decide you want to watch it)
You may be wondering what on Earth this has to do with the picture … one of the anecdotes I loved was the story behind their name, which came from a scathing review in Melody Maker of an early gig, referring to the ‘daft punky music’ they played.
Be somebody nobody thought you could be (especially the critics)

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