Look harder

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The answer is always there. Keep going … believe … there’s always a way. .
I know that lots of you like these posts on a Monday , so I’ve decided to pay it forward and hold a prize draw each month to give away a motivational Monday picture. If this sounds like your kinda thing, pop over to my website – link in bio – and subscribe to my newsletter (there’s a link on the footer of each page).
#motivationalmonday #mondaymotivation #mondaymantra #lookharder #amelie #drawinginthread #creative_happylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #createinsummer #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroiderylove #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart #threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #sewcialist #ihavethisthingwithsewing #bristolcreatives #bristoletsyteam… Read More

A note

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… to let you know that I’ve added a newsletter ✉️ sign up to my website. If you would like to keep up to date with news, events and tutorials, be the first to hear about sales and offers… as well as (and here’s the best bit!) have the opportunity to be entered each and every in to a prize ?draw to win a motivational Monday picture, please pop over to my website – link in bio – and complete the sign up in the footer .
Hope you’re having a great week, and if you’ve started school holidays, everything is going ok so far? Good weather sis definitely helping here as there have been picnics, park visits and play dates galore. And lots of planning too – I think now is the perfect opportunity to take stock of where you are and make plans for the coming months. Emma x
#justanote #justanotetosay #typewriter #royaltypewriter #drawinginthread #creative_happylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #createinsummer #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroiderylove #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart #threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #sewcialist #ihavethisthingwithsewing… Read More

Custard cream

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One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn’t belong …
I was prepping a custard cream picture a little while ago and realised after sketching out the details that I’d used the wrong fabric. I couldn’t quite bring myself to throw them away as I’d drawn quite a few, so decided I’d make them in to something else. Someone suggested they make might make good pincushions … and they were right! I have 7 available which I’ll be listing in my shop today.
Ps. I’m sorry if you have that tune stuck in your head all day. My personal favourite was the pinball number song … of course if you didn’t grow up with Sesame Street you won’t know what I’m talking about ?
#custardcream #pincushion #biscuitlove #sewingaccessories #wipwednesday #AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creative_happylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #createinsummer #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroiderylove #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart #threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #sewcialist #ihavethisthingwithsewing… Read More

Think outside the box

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And just like that, it’s Friday!
I’m completely pooped after an amazingly busy and amazing day yesterday – thank you to everyone who visited and sent luck – so here’s a late (and quick) foodie Friday. I’ve run out of words, so no caption to go with it, but I think it does ok by itself anyway! Have a great weekend. Emma xx
#foodiefriday #foodart #oxo #beoriginal #thinkoutsidethebox #AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creativelife #creativehappylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart #threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #sewcialist #ihavethisthingwithsewing… Read More

Noteworthy prints

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So today is the day of my residency at Bristol Museum and Art gallery. I will be stitching in the Make Space as well as bringing along lots of examples of my work to view (and buy if you like!)
Amongst everything I have available, will be my latest A4 prints of my Noteworthy pictures – which I know lots of you have been waiting for (why’re also listed in my shop now – Link in bio)
Have a great day and do call and say hi if you’re nearby! Emma x
@bristolmuseums #MakeSpace #bristoletsyteam #AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creative_happylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #createinsummer #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroiderylove #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart #threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #sewcialist #ihavethisthingwithsewing #noteworthy #journeyofanidea #overcomingselfdoubt #proudlyprinted… Read More

Don’t let your ice cream melt

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I heard this quote on the workshop I did last week and thought it was worth a share (and I had an ice cream picture!)
Have a great day xx
#comparisonisthethiefofjoy #comparisonfree #stayinyourlane #justdoyou #AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creativelife #creativehappylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart #threadpainting #ihavethisthingwithsewing #99icecream #sprinkles… Read More

You can do anything

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The school holidays are almost upon us. If you’re a working parent it can be a particularly tricky time, especially when you are trying to run a small business. You’re pulled in so many directions – having worked so hard throughout the year you have to slow down or stop for at least six weeks … or try to keep things running and feel increasingly frazzled. Each summer my over-riding feeling is that of guilt; guilt that I’m not doing enough fun things, guilt that I’m having to think of ways to snatch an hour or two here and there rather than enjoy the time I have with my kids, guilt that there is too much time being spent looking at screens, guilt that I’m not doing anything well enough. .
We’ve probably all seen *that* reminder doing the rounds too, you only have 18 summers … just to compound that guilt a little further. And of course it’s true, we must enjoy time with our children while they are small. But I also think that showing children that money comes from somewhere is a pretty important life lesson. It probably won’t kill my kids to have some screen time while I sew (who am I kidding, they will love it) and actually they usually love ‘helping’ too. It also won’t be the end of the world If I don’t post quite so often. The only thing that is unwise is beating myself up for not being able to do everything. Nobody can do everything. So I’m approaching this week, and this holiday, trying to keep this at the front of my mind. And I hope that if any of this sounds familiar, then that’s what you’ll try to do too. .
Have a lovely week. Emma xx
Quote by David Allen.
Stitched by Emma Giacalone.
Written by Amélie Giacalone (see, I’m setting her to work already)
#mondaymotivation #motivationalmonday #guiltfree #youcandoanything #youcantdoevrything #AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creativelife #creativehappylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart #threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #sewcialist #ihavethisthingwithsewing… Read More

Cock a hoop

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Cock-a-hoop: adjective extremely and triumphantly pleased, especially about an achievement: happily exulting “Emma was cock-a-hoop to have such a lovely group of people cheering her on”
Curious expression, isn’t it?! Thanks for all of the support yesterday. Happy Friday xx
#AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creativelife #creativehappylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart #threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #sewcialist #ihavethisthingwithsewing #justacard #heytheremaker #molliemakes #foodiefriday #foodart #spahgettihoops #cock-a-hoop… Read More

Hang in there

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I’m being super-brave today (if I do say so myself) and driving to a workshop ..Which might not sound that big of a deal, but I get ocular migraines and always panic about getting one while I’m driving …that and I also just don’t like driving that much. But I’ve decided to be brave and do it anyway! I’m not exactly looking forward to it, but living in a semi-rural town I realised how small life could become if I’m not able to hop in the car and go somewhere more exciting (and I’m feeling the need to do a bit more of that!) What do you do to push yourself out of your comfort zone? .
This is also a #tbt to my very first motivational Monday post .. can you believe it’s nearly been a year I’ve been making them now?! Have great day, and hang in there – it’s almost Friday. Emma xx
#AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creativelife #creativehappylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart #threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #sewcialist #keepgoing #hanginthere #nearlytheweekend… Read More

There and back again lane

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There and back again Lane
I was determined to include There and back again lane on to this map (When I was a child, whenever we went out in the car and my brother or I asked where we were going, my Dad always used to say that’s where we were going!) and as I was passing yesterday and had it to hand, I decided to take a photo … at which point I realised I’d forgotten to stitch it on ? (the actual location on the map is the little side road just off of Reward Road – see if you can spot it! ) I’ll have to go back for another picture once I’ve stitched it on! (It would seem I have become that crazy lady that stands around in a street full of bins trying to get a photo)
Just another little reminder that I will be stitching another map at Bristol Museum next Thursday (19th) in the #MakeSpace attached to the Woman’s Hour Craft Prize exhibit
#AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creativelife #creativehappylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart #threadpainting #stitchersofinstagram #communityovercompetition #makeitsewcial #sewersofinstagram #sewcialist #ihavethisthingwithsewing #thereandbackagainlane #findingmotivation #atoz #bristolmuseums… Read More

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