Catching ideas

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How do you catch an idea? .
I’ve been busy working on lots of projects in the background this week nothing secret or exciting, quite the opposite in fact, just things I’ve needed to get my head down and get on with. .
The procrastinator and the creative mind inside me are very good friends. I often find that when one comes out to play, so does the other.
Usually when inspiration strikes, and that new idea excitement kicks in, I feel like I have to down tools and make whatever I’ve thought of immediately. It’s a really great feeling when that happens, but it’s not so great for the to do list (I don’t always do that by the way… actually, who am I trying to kid, I always do that?) but this week I caught the idea, I noted it down and contained the excitement. I finished what I was meant to be doing and working on it was the carrot encouraging me to finish. I’m not sure I’m going to fully commit to this change (because actually, I don’t think there’s anything quite like that lightbulb moment feeling) but I’ve also proven to myself that it didn’t go away either. .
What do you do to keep hold of new ideas? I’d love to know
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Liberty flowers

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I’ve been having a sort through my work this week and have a pile of original work that I just don’t have room to keep now that I have a smaller work space. I’ll be adding them to my website later today. This Liberty Flowers picture is part of the cull – I’m not entirely certain I want to see it go, but I’d much rather it lived on someone else’s wall than my cupboard! It’s funny how attached you can get to some scraps of fabric isn’t it?!
I’ll keep any updates on listings on my stories, and if you’re interested in this piece let me know!
EDIT: this has now sold, and the other listings are live
#AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creativelife #creativehappylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart
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Believe in yourself

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Believe in yourself (be you)
We all know the importance of self belief. The power of positivity. And yet it can be so easy to let negative self talk creep in. It’s a tough cycle to break; we really are our own worst critics.
I find that working alone, it’s really easy for this to happen. I’m not sure if you have to be extremely resilient or extremely thick skinned to have completely unwavering belief in what you do, but either way, I’m not naturally wired like that! And while generally, I don’t think a bit of self questioning is a bad thing necessarily, it’s all about keeping those thought processes helpful and rational. Because it’s so easy for ideas – bad or good- to build momentum and snowball. Before we know it, a tiny seed of doubt that is planted in our minds can become quite ingrained in our thought processes. And when we tell ourselves something over and over again, almost without us noticing, it becomes a habit .
Steering ourselves away from this cycle therefore has to be a conscious decision. A process; to Catch ourselves in the act and recognise negative thoughts are creeping (or have crept)in- to Challenge what it is that we’re telling ourselves, and to Change what it is that we tell ourselves … sounds simple doesn’t it?! But next time you find those familiar feelings of doubt creeping in, why not give it a try
PS, this is another three word quote for my challenge. I wasn’t very happy with how the lettering worked out, but I felt that wasn’t very fitting given the subject of the post, so I’ve gone with it anyway ??

#minortismay3wordsquotes #ditchselfdoubt #believeinyourself #beyou #AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creativelife #creativehappylife #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart
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Enjoy every moment

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Today’s 3 word quote and also pretty great motivation for a Monday morning (just!) I’d say.
Have a great week … enjoy every moment xx
Ps, this flag is a one-off for the project. It’s for sale for £10 (including postage) if anyone would like it?
#enjoyeverymoment #mondaymotivation #motivationalmonday #mondaymantra #minortismay3wordsquotes #pennant #flag #AurifilArtisan #aurifil #aurifilthread #creativelife #nothspitchup #creativitywithmeaning #calledtobecreative #designalifeyoulove #textileart #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #embroideryart #stitchersofinstagram #everystitchcounts #threadart #appliqueart #contemporaryembroidery
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World Gin Day

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To celebrate world gin day yesterday my Hendricks prints are on sale over on my website until Tuesday!
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