Believe in yourself

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Did you know that the chance of you existing is pretty well non existent? The probability is 1 in 10 to the power of 2,695,000 (yes that’s right, a ten followed by 2,695,000 zeros) which means, by default, you really are pretty amazing. Now that we have established just how brilliant you are, I don’t think there’s much point in doubting yourself is there?
I spent all day yesterday making flags, and this is my new favourite! The listings will be live later today, but just drop me a message if you’d like one x
#believeinyourself #youareamazing #itmustbetrueitsmaths #creativepath #creativejourney #wordsofwisdom #creativitywithmeaning #drawinginthread #positivegifts #inspiringgifts #giftsformakers #pennantsofpositivity #banner #freehandmachineembroidery #freemotionembroidery #everystitchcounts #modernmakers #drawinginthread #ihavethisthingwithsewing #molliemakers #aurifilartisan #bristoletsyteam #smallandmightybusiness… Read More

To do list

posted in: Emstagram 0

A little list of things for you to do this morning – it’s small but important! .
I don’t know about you, but I’m still catching up from the school holidays – I’m almost there now, but I often underestimate how long everything will take me … and how many hours I have in the day. It can be a bit disheartening looking at an ever-growing list of things to do, especially if you feel like you’re not reaching the things you really want to get to (which is usually when our good old friend comparison steps in to notice that everyone else seems to be managing it, and you’re getting left behind) but what’s a list without a few fun things added in? A few things that you can cross off straight away (because I know I can’t be the only one who does that!) some really important things, like remembering how amazing you are.
Happy Wednesday everyone xxx
#littlelists #importantthingstoremember #breathe #saynomore #youareamazing #dowhatmakesyouhappy #aurifilthread #aurifilartisan #stitchedwriting #drawinginthread #creativitywithmeaning #creativehappylife #todolists #ihavethisthingwithsewing #heytheremaker #molliemakers #bristoletsyteam #britishstitchers #textileoftheday #smallandmightybusiness… Read More